Low FODMAP Resource Pack for Dietitians


Over 60 printable pdf documents that you can use to guide your patients through all STAGES of the low FODMAP diet.



Over 60 printable pdf documents that you can use to guide your patients through all STAGES of the low FODMAP diet.

As dietitians who specialise in gastrointestinal nutrition, we know how challenging it can be to help clients navigate the Low FODMAP diet. We all want to provide accurate, practical and up-to-date information, in line with current research in FODMAPs. Overwhelmingly, feedback from our lectures and webinars about teaching the Low FODMAP diet, told us what dietitians really wanted: Hands on tools and ready to print FODMAP information sheets for the various stages of the diet. So that’s what we’ve created!

The Everyday Nutrition Low FODMAP Resource Pack is a comprehensive downloadable briefcase to use with your clients through their FODMAP journey. It contains over 60 resources arranged into three broad phases of the diet.

Starting out:

Some patients want to know everything about FODMAPs, and others just want simple lists and tips to help them implement a Low FODMAP diet – we give you both options! Also in this section you’ll find sheets about suitable/non-suitable foods, eating out, grocery shopping, label reading, product suggestions, online resources and sample menu plans (including vegetarian, vegan and diabetic versions).


This section includes everything you will need to guide your client through the FODMAP challenges. It includes challenge instructions (‘how to’ guide to challenges, foods and amounts to use for the various FODMAP challenges) and printable records to collate challenge results. Once again, we give you the option of ‘simple’ or comprehensive challenges, depending on your client’s needs.

Longer Term:

This folder contains a number of resources regarding FODMAPs and various nutrients (calcium, fibre), as well as sheets about HEHP, mindful eating & IBS, over the counter medication options, diabetes and vegetarian eating and FODMAPs.


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