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FODMAPs & Food Intolerance

How is IBS Diagnosed?

Living with gastrointestinal discomfort can be challenging, especially when symptoms like gas, bloating, and altered bowel movements become a regular occurrence. These symptoms may point to a condition known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

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Low FODMAP Gnocchi Bolognese

Delectable Low FODMAP Gnocchi Bolognese Recipe Embracing a low FODMAP diet doesn’t mean sacrificing flavour or your favourite comfort foods. Today, we’re bringing you a delectable recipe for Low FODMAP Gnocchi Bolognese that’s not

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Low FODMAP Beer Bread

Hey, fellow digestive wellness warriors! I’m thrilled to share a recipe that’s been brewing (no pun intended) in my kitchen – a fantastic Low FODMAP Beer Bread designed with both your tastebuds and your

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How to Poop Well

What goes in, has to come out. While not the most common dinner time conversation, Poop is essential for your well-being. As gut health dietitians, we get asked about this topic A LOT, so

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Meet Joanna


Joanna is a passionate advocate, communicator and educator in the fields of gut health, nutrition and wellness.