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Health & Wellness


IBS vs Coeliac Disease

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and symptoms of coeliac disease can be identical and the two are often be confused. However, that’s where the simillarities end. They are both very different conditions with

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gut hypnotherapy

Does Hypnotherapy help IBS?

Did you know that hypnotherapy is as effective as a low FODMAP diet for managing IBS? Crazy, right? Read on to find out more.   What is IBS? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional

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IBS Dietitian

IBS and the Gut-Brain axis

Have you ever experienced being away on holiday and being able to eat just about anything with no issues, just to come home and have your gut go back to its old tricks? This

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Tips for Choosing Your Dietitian

The health and wellness industry can be a minefield when it comes to dietary advice, with everyone from celebrities to social media influencers, personal trainers, lifestyle columnists and “wellness coaches” offering their recommendations about

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dietitians and nutritionists

5 Reasons to Avoid a Keto Diet

If you’ve followed Everyday Nutrition for a while, you may have noticed we’re not big on weight loss diets. In fact, we loathe them. High fat low carb or ‘Ketogenic’ diets. Paleo diets. Very

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Meet Joanna


Joanna is a passionate advocate, communicator and educator in the fields of gut health, nutrition and wellness.